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Development Through The Lifespan

Conception, birth, death. Blue eyes, red hair, freckles. Learning your ABCs. Teenage growth spurts. Dementia in old age. If it happens to you in your lifetime, then it's covered in Development Through the Lifespan. Through an engaging, storytelling style, Berk covers the stages and processes of human development - physical, cognitive, emotional, and social, while focusing on the interplay between heredity and environment. Development Through the Lifespan also incorporates cross-cultural perspectives, socioeconomic factors, current scientific research, and real-world examples so you develop a 360-degree understanding of how different people develop differently. Reflective self-quizzes, online interactive resources, and chapter summaries are just a few more reasons why this is one of the best-selling human development textbooks.

Latest edition of Development Through The Lifespan

Development Through Lifespan (ISBN10: 0205957609; ISBN13: 9780205957606)
ISBN13: 978-0205957606
ISBN10: 0205957609
List Price: $239.25
Used: $53.72


Laura Berk's Development Through the Lifespan is relied upon in classrooms worldwide for its clear, engaging writing style, exceptional multicultural and cross-cultural focus, cutting-edge consideration of the interrelationships between heredity and environment, rich examples, and long-standing commitment to presenting the most up-to-date scholarship. This new edition continues to offer students research-based practical applications that they can relate to their personal and professional lives.

Laura Berk, renowned professor and researcher, has revised the text with new pedagogy, a heightened emphasis on the interplay between heredity and environment, and an enhanced focus on many social policy issues, while emphasizing the lifespan perspective throughout. The latest theories and findings in the field are made accessible to students in a manageable and relevant way. Berk's signature storytelling style invites students to actively learn beside the text's ''characters.'' Students are provided with an especially clear and coherent understanding of the sequence and underlying processes of human development, emphasizing the interrelatedness of all domains-physical, cognitive, emotional, social-throughout the text narrative and in special features.

Berk also helps students connect their learning to their personal and professional areas of interest. Her voice comes through when speaking directly about issues students will face in their future pursuits as parents, educators, health care providers, social workers, and researchers. As members of a global and diverse human community, students are called to intelligently approach the responsibility of understanding and responding to the needs and concerns of both young and old.

While carefully considering the complexities of human

Often purchased with Development Through The Lifespan 6th edition

