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Kieso Intermediate Accounting

In the crowded world of accounting textbooks, Kieso Intermediate Accounting has some bragging rights as being the most used textbook going for accounting majors. As the authoritative text for upper-level accounting students, as well as an invaluable reference for practicing accountants, Kieso Intermediate Accounting is clear and thorough, with a strong emphasis on best accounting practices - accuracy, comprehensiveness, accessibility, and quality, while acting as an exhaustive guide to International Financial Reporting Standards and complex accounting concepts such as balance sheets, cash flows, liabilities, income taxes, investments, and more. Exercises, self-quizzes, and real-world examples also prepare students for the CPA exam.

Latest edition of Kieso Intermediate Accounting

Intermediate Accounting - Text Only (ISBN10: 1118147294; ISBN13: 9781118147290)
ISBN13: 978-1118147290
ISBN10: 1118147294
List Price: $344.00
Used: $11.64


Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield's Intermediate Accounting continues to set the standard for intermediate accounting students and professionals in the field. The Fifteenth edition builds on this legacy through new innovative student focused pedagogy in the book itself and with online support.

Kieso maintains the qualities for which the text is globally recognized, including its reputation for accuracy, comprehensiveness, accessibility, and quality problem material that best prepares students for success on the CPA exam. The Fifteenth edition offers the most up to date coverage of IFRS and US GAAP in a presentational format suited to the complex challenges of teaching intermediate in these changing times.

Often purchased with Kieso Intermediate Accounting 15th edition

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